Archives for posts with tag: article



I got this little article off the Fleet Feet website… I found it very informative…

10 tips for buying running shoes.Buying Guidelines

1. When purchasing shoes, make sure you have plenty of time, and don’t rush. Buying the wrong shoes may play a role in the development of stress fractures.

2. Go to a specialty running shop where the staff members are experienced in fitting running shoes. It helps if they are runners, too.

3. Go later in the day when your feet are slightly larger to ensure you get a good fit.

4. Take your old shoes with you so the staff can look at wear patterns.

5. Wear appropriate clothing so you can try the shoes out properlly. A lot of shops now have treadmills to observe your gait.

6. Take your running socks with you. If you wear orthotics, take them along too.

7. Make sure the shoes are comfortable in the store. If they are not, they won’t be for running.

8. Don’t be swayed by appearances or brands. Try on several styles and brands.

9. Don’t go by what your friend wears as they may run completely differently from you.

10. Be prepared to invest. Shoes will last 300-500 miles, so it is worth spending more to get a decent pair, rather than opting for the bargain bin!

How should shoes fit?

The shoe should feel comfortable as soon as you put it on. There should be enough room in the toe box for you to wiggle the toes around, and you should be able to fit your index fing er between the longest toe – usually the big toe – and the end of the shoe. Some shoes are more rounded at the ends, while others taper off toward the little toe, so make sure the lateral side of the toe box doesn’t rub your toes.

There also needs to be sufficient width to accommodate the foot comfortably. Women often have a narrower heel but broader forefoot than men, and female-specific shoes take this into account. But if any shoe feels too tight across the foot, try a different brand, as they each have a silghtlly different fit.

The heel should be firm but not pinching, and you don’t want your heel to slip up and down inside the shoe. Make sure the heel tab at the top of the heel cup does not dig int your Achilles tendon. Walk around in the shoes and, if possible, try to run in them.

Running Well/Human Kinetics

By Sam Murphy & Sarah Connors

This is an style by Alex Keegan, I found it an interesting read and thought I would share with everyone.

Have a great rest of your day


~Whiskey and a Naked Lady

I was looking online and found this interesting article… Well really interview with an agent, I’d suggest it as a good read! Hope everyone is having a great day, John

~Whiskey and a Naked Lady

Title is a Leonard Cohen song, I love his music and always find his lyrics to be so thought provoking. 

Hope this works.

Cleaning out my closet, sort of speak, I’ve been using two apps for taking notes and writing… and well I just need to condense my footprint… so I’ve found Evernote which will allow me to do the same thing just in one app… Which is awesome… and it was free.

The app has a lot of cool features, such as what you might ask, well it allows me to email stuff in or I can log in from anywhere. When you download a associated app called skitch you can draw on pics… I haven’t done this yet but it’s coming. I can also make different folders, at the moment I have two folders. “Notebook”, which is treated much like my journal and personal blog, and then I have “book” which is where I put my book chapters before I post them to the blog. I love this so much, hell when I have a penny to my name I might even purchase it and not just use the free version.

Most of my stuff is done electronically then I’ll write it down in a book or personal journal. This helps me add and subtract things from say the book. Adding more detail for hopefully when I get it published. Or if I never get published at least I know I have a final draft.

On a different note but still in the organization range:

I’ve been exploring “tags” and how to better make use of them. So I think I’m going to set my usual tags for my writing as “Write, Novel, Book, Crime, Drama, Organization, Evil, Good, Hero, Anti-Hero, Villain”. Anyone have a good basic tag that gets them noticed?

I want to find more blogs to read and bloggers to follow as well… any good ones out there that people really like to read? It doesn’t have to be just writing, but I don’t want to focus on the jersey shore type moobs blog, so I’d like to keep it maybe on the artistic tip. Or well there’s always the nude girl blogs aren’t there? Oh if you could see the smirk on my face.

Anyway I found a cool magazine; someone must have brought it into my work. It’s “Writer’s Year Book 2013”. A few really good articles in between the covers ranging from, “is the industry finally on the rebound” and “101 Websites for Writers”. But the one I found that was most interesting is “blog your way to a book deal” by Nina Amir, written by Nina Amir. I’d definitely suggest this to anyone even if you aren’t a writer but just a blogger… it’s that informative.

The article has some great tips on how to organize your time around your blog and need to have a life outside of writing. Like me and my lovely work schedule and personal obligations, such as family.

Well I think I’ve come to the end of this one… I should really go concentrate on work and not writing here. Although this is making work, more bearable… just because well I’m not working… this is to much fun.

Here‘s to whiskey and the naked lady…