Greeting: Hey there gangsters and pranksters! How they hanging? Welcome back hope you enjoy the little read… Let me know in the comments section. I’ll take any advice on what you like and don’t like… keep on keeping on.

Alright I needed a little fun this week… so bare with me as I bring back some old classics. Or maybe not so classic more just fun!

With an injury to my knee, and a bruised quad I haven’t been running. I will start the process again most likely Monday and see how it goes from there. I plan to buy a brace on Saturday to see if that helps. I’ve been doing Tae Kwon Do for this week with a wrap… Which was effective but very hmm sloppy and I don’t know if it would hold up with running.

What happened, you might ask or might not… either way I’m going to tell you!

Last Saturday I tested for my blue belt w/white stripe… of course I passed. But during the testing we had 3 rounds of sparring and got a slight injury. Well okay I got kicked in the jimmy, the knee, and to top it all off I got kicked three times in the thigh…

So I’ve been wearing a wrap the past few days to practice for the knee. But it’s amazing that the thigh “quadriceps“, hurt more. I went home and iced it but its still hurting 4 days later. Anyway

I guess I’d like to speak to anyone willing to listen and say that when you are sparring remember this is Tae Kwon Do… A strategic game of hmm tag. It’s about agility, speed, and control… Not a free for all.

I’ll lay off the platform…

So I’m getting to the point in the story I think I might just start giving excerpts and not full chapters. So this is one from the next chapter.

[Claire looked at him and then to the driver, “Speed is of the essence… beat that Mustang if you can.”

She pulled out a tablet being very professional and handed it to Patrick, “These are the files we’ve been able to assemble on the players in this little operation.”]

So at this point I feel like an absentee blogger… I can’t promise to pick it up any, but I will try my best… I just have a lot of things going on and my mind is distracted by the beauty of the world.

So I’ve started running during lunch… about 10 to 15 minutes, over a mile … on a normal day. Then I go to Tae Kwon Do at night Which has become almost a nightly event as I am testing for my Blue Belt White Stripe. On Saturday.

Also I am writing more of the story… that process has slow but I’m still writing.

My music and belly button gremlin are fun and I will be posting more of those. I hope that everyone at least enjoys them as much as I do.

Prose and Poetry, I need a little inspiration. I want a camera I can take pictures with, but is light and faster then my phone. But that’s another story for another time.

I need new running shoes as the ones I have are breaking down slowly but surely. I entered a contest to get free entery into a 5k…

Oh and speaking of competitions I have a TKD competition in May (I believe… lol) which I still don’t know if I’m competiting or might just volunteer at. hmm anyway I would really love to do the Sparring bit but don’t know with everything else… meh we’ll see how it goes.


catch ya all on the curb…

I found this interesting post on Pintrest… god knows I need to work on my flexibility both in Tae Kwon Do and for Running… before and after… the stiffness … anyway

Thought I’d share it with you all… I know I’ve been absent… no worries I’ll be back soon! Work just has been busy so I don’t get time to post… as much as I’d like to

I did start running during lunch… a quick 10 to 15 minute run… and today I hit a new milestone running a mile in 8.28 minutes…

Tae Kwon Do is going great, I’m with the increase in stamina from running I’m able to rebound faster and I can tell that my kicks are getting off the ground faster.

Oh anyone use Runkeeper?

I like it’s detail… I have heard good things about strava? As well but at the moment I’m using runkeeper…

Catch up to you soon


I know right concept of having music monday on an actual monday… anyway

I hope this shows what type of mood I’m in.. if you don’t get it from that maybe the music will let you know. Two songs about almost the same thing… well in the end it’s all about one thing isn’t it… lets get down and dirty!

Enjoy ya horny itches!!!

Clarence Carter – Strokin’

Chuck Berry – My Ding A Ling


I was going to explain belly button gremlin but well I just don’t want to…

And yes I listened to Van Halen today at work itches! 

Now go have fun!

~Whiskey and a Naked Lady

I got busy writing, I got busy working… meh excuses for not getting this out are many and varied but it’s here now so enjoy or drop out… 🙂

So with that said I bring you Orange County’s own “The Vandals”

These guys are hmm memorable in a catchy type of way, I think they were labeled as Punk Pop which is just wrong they were and would always be punk. They inspired a lot of other bands and definitely had a west coast style vs the east coast.

Interesting side note, Tenacious D’s Lead guitarist on the 2001 album is/was apart of this band… a friend of mine will like that fact I’m sure… they love T/D.

I just love listening to them… not much to go beyond that… so enjoy

Anarchy Burger

Viking Suit



Enjoy something is happening… enjoy the story and I’ll keep writing more…



He didn’t watch out and got smashed!

~Whiskey and a Naked Lady

Work has me taking on new tasks, it’s been a bit of a time consumption to say the least. But it’s alright it’s coming along as I learn. As per the usual I pick things up quickly… now just need to make it my own and get faster. As the commercial says faster is better… well at most things… sometimes slow is good too!!!

Other news, allergies plague me as the weather is deciding what it wants to do… rain, sun, cold, warm… blah Benadryl is my friend but it is just staving off the major attacks… the battle seem to be breathing, which is difficult anyway with a deviated septum. but meh who’s perfect? Yes me!!! well

The perfect ME… anyway maybe I’ll go run in the rain tonight… after tkd.

I’ve been on pintrest lately, looking for some motivational quotes and such… oh and at tattoo’d naked women. (homer simpson noise) oh sorry back to the program…

Oh I’ve been eating Nature Valley’s Granola Bars… the Oat and Honey ones… they are good, I like the fact that they grumble apart… but this has me really wanting to make my own granola bar… I might try that this weekend or next…

Speaking of TKD – my daughter is graduating this saturday from midget class to the normal kids class. Woohoo!! Think we might throw her a party.

What else is going on inside my head? I’d tell ya but well I don’t want to scare you off… 🙂

Seen any good porn? oh I mean movies lately? I watched Skyfall, loved the background story for the James Bond character, and the fact that it went away from the gadgets and more towards the Character development. Also and I know I’ll get yelled at for this but the move to M to the male actor was I believe a good thing. The only thing I didn’t like was the fact that Moneypenny was in the field… from what I remember and maybe I’m wrong but she’s always been just a receptionist and never a field agent. But meh I’ll get over it, bring on the next Bond movie.

I’ll let you all go with a poem… enjoy the rest of your day rock and roll!


Time dances on the mind
Like a feather on the wind
Twisting through the weeds

Prognosis dim, the skies gray
Just lying on the beach
Bold? No need

Crouching down waiting
The prey comes slowly
As the day rolls on

Gentle laughter from the lips
The voice is heard

na na na na … be the ball
Just be… The ball